“It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it… anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
– Douglas Adams
“It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it… anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
– Douglas Adams
“Always be prepared to face the consequences of what you do.”
– Unknown
“When your screen is filled examples of the strongest, richest, and smartest, it’s easy to overvalue the outcome and undervalue the process.”
– James Clear
“Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution”
– Unknown
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill
“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”
– Benjamin Franklin
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
– Stephen Hawking
“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
– Albert Camus
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
– Buddha
“A farmer had only one horse and one day the horse ran away. The neighbors came to console him over his terrible loss. The farmer said, “who knows what is good and what is bad. It is as it is. My horse is gone.”
A month later, the horse came home – this time bringing with her a beautiful wild horse. The neighbors became excited at the farmer’s good fortune, “Such a lovely strong horse!”. The farmer said, “who knows what is good and what is bad. All I see is that another horse has appeared.”
Shortly threafter, the farmer’s son was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbors were very distressed. “Such bad luck!” the villagers exclaimed, for the farmer was too old to do for himself all the work. The farmer just said, “who knows what is good and what is bad. My son broke his legs. That’s all I know.”
Then a war came, and the government forcibly removed all the able-bodied men from the village to send them into battle. Nine out of ten were killed. The old man’s son, however, was spared since his legs were broken. The neighbor thought to himself “who knows what is good and what is bad”.
– Unknown
“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”
– Democritus
“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.”
– Viktor E. Frankl
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
– John Quincy Adams
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
– Benjamin Franklin