
A form of disguise – Mariella Frostrup

“I you look online what you get are anonymous trolls venting spleen and the sanitised, shiny, reconstructed lives of the Instagram generation. Neither polarity represents a realistic lifestyle choice and both are crude and empty forms of communication. It’s frightening to see how reduced our myriad forms of self expression have become. Online life gives little clue to what we’re feeling the moment we’re captured on photo and film – instead it’s a form of disguise. Our addiction to keeping up with the global Joneses is making us less capable of dealing with the cut and thrust of daily life. When real feelings get in the way of our desired “presence” – when a disagreement, a difference in ambitions, or an imbalance in a relationship appear – we simply sign out.”
– Mariella Frostrup


Honest friendship – Mariella Frostrup

“Bear in mind that a dishonest friendship isn’t worthy of further investment while an honest one offers a refuge for life.”

– Mariella Frostrup