“Sometimes life serves you a shit sandwich. The question is if you are going to eat it or go get something better for yourself.”
– Unknown
“Sometimes life serves you a shit sandwich. The question is if you are going to eat it or go get something better for yourself.”
– Unknown
“Deep down you know exactly what to do in every situation, it’s things like laziness or being a pussy that stop you from making the right decision”
– Anon
“Look up, now look down. Up is endless, down has an ending. Always look up.”
– Unknown
“Don’t judge them for their choices when you don’t know their reasons.”
– Unknown
“Everyone has gifts to share. Gifts of the heart – what people are passionate and care about. Gifts of the head – what people know and think. Gifts of the hands – what people can do or make.”
– Unknown
“Values are the ideals and standards that you live by, regardless of external pressures or incentives.”
– Unknown
“Follow the hope in your heart, not the fear in your mind.”
– Unknown
“Sometimes it’s good to remember to improve the things that you do well rather than focus on the things that you do badly”
– Unknown
“Your soulmate is not someone that comes into your life peacefully. It is who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealised, but an ordinary person, who manages to revolutionise your world in a second.”
– Unknown
“Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers Arabic, your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant? Pull yourself together.”
– Unknown
“See things as they are, not worse than they are.”
– Unknown
“The typical American car spends 96% of its time parked.”
– Unknown
“Everyone has gifts to share. Gifts of the heart – what people are passionate and care about. Gifts of the head – what people know and think. Gifts of the hands – what people can do or make.”
– Unknown
“Live less out of habit, and more out of intent.”
– Unknown
“Some people are so poor, that the only thing they have is money”
– Unknown